HH Penzion

Privat - Hana Hendrychová

Offer for summer

Outside stay

On a maintained lawn, with access to garden furniture. Of course it is possible to sunbathe on a blanket and such. Cozy rest is also possible in the shade of full grown trees on a hammock. Or at the confluence of two mountain streams. The aforementioned large lawn also allows for various physical activites.

Space for informal celebrations

Should you wish to throw down an open air celebration, with barbecue, with family or friends. There is our roofed campsite.

Campsite and barbecue

Kdo chce prožít romantiku táborového ohně a grilování, má k dispozici zastřešené tábořiště na soutoku dvou říček s ohništěm a dostatečnou zásobou suchého dřeva. Déšť ani případné chladno nemůže Váš plán narušit. Zde si můžete opékat maso nebo špekáčky na vidlici. Uvařit si gulášek či jiné dobroty v kotlíku přímo nad ohněm. A nebo ugrilovat cokoliv, na co máte chuť, na grilu s žulovým kamenem. Vše můžete konzumovat u masivního dřevěného stolu s lavicemi. A k tomu popíjet víno, pivo či limo vychlazené v horském potoce s ledově čistou vodou.
Rádi poradíme, doporučí i pomůžeme.

We will lend

Three mountain bikes(larger quantities we will mediate or ensure safe storage for your own). For games on the large maintained lawn(patch of moss mre like) we will lend balls, bedmington, softball tennis, petand, etc..

For children

We have available children's sand pit, with toys. Swings, cyclotrial wheel and primarily lot of free space divoid of vehicular danger.

For your trips

For walking we can provide maps, of nearby and distant surroundings, and describtions of some routes. For trips on bikes you can borrow suggested routes, with describtions, distances, time data and profiles.

For trips by car

We will lend you our guides to the areas of interest in the surroundings. We recommend visiting the market in Jelení Hora.

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+420 732 155 375


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